Somewhere in England
Married (Larry Ashton)
Colton Shore
Etienne Gastineau (brother)
Nicholas 'Domino' Van Buren (uncle)
Helped brainwash Colton Shore in order to kill Frisco Jones [1987]
Arielle Ashton first appeared in Port Charles in 1989, when she sailed in with her husband Lord Larry Ashton on their yacht The Aphrodite to find the Dragon Bone, a key to an ancient Chinese civilization. When Arielle arrived in town, a man named Colton Shore became the ship's mechanic but the two had shared a past! For a year, Colton had been having nightmares about a woman named Arielle who was his long lost love but who turned against him and helped brainwash him to kill Frisco Jones, an agent. Arielle was happy to now find her lost love and admitted to Colton that she still loved him! Colton however was in love with Felicia Jones. Arielle wanted Colton and confessed to him that before he had been brainwashed the two of them had been married! Colton still didn't love Arielle and obtained a final divorce. Heartbroken, Arielle left town with her husband when the Dragon Bone quest ended.
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